The Novo-Tikhvin Women's Monastery
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Hand-painted icons by the sisters of the Monastery

200th anniversary: festivity in pictures

Our convent celebrated a great festivity – 200 years since its foundation. And perhaps, the services, the cross procession, and the festive concert had so much light and emotion, because they had been filled with your prayers and love.
It was even difficult to imagine that so many people – over four thousand – would come to our festivity to share with us the joy of this day. And how moving it has been to see both the youth, the most elderly parishioners, and the young children together side by side... One cannot but help remember the descriptions of the convent's festivals made in the beginning of the XX century. At that time, all the festive days molebens and akathysts would have been served before the Tikhvin icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, whereas the pilgrims of any age, title, and status would flow in an endless stream to venerate the most favorite relic. And now we see with joy and tender emotion how this tradition is being revived, how many people come to venerate the honored Tikhvin icon with awe and love. According to the tradition, the services and the cross procession were presided by archbishop Vikentiy during these days. At the conclusion of the festivity, he handed over first degree commemorative medals of holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye to the Mother-Superior igumenija Domnika, the spiritual father schema-archimandrite Avraam, and the Mother-Superior of honor schema- igumenija Zlata.
From the bottom of the heart do we thank our parishioners and all those who, not having the opportunity to visit our convent, send warm and sincere letters to us, all those who help and support us! Congratulations on the feast!

Festive photo-gallery

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All of the icons on the site are painted by the sisters of the monastery

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